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This is what I do, this is what i love.

Jacinta - Art Therapist
& Community Artist

A few years ago, when I first immersed myself into the world of Art Therapy, I knew I had finally found my calling. Art therapy is my perfect combination of creativity, helping those in need, facilitating change and wellbeing in people's lives and working in a role that makes a positive difference.


Finding my dream job has been a long time coming after spending much of my life in jobs that have paid the bills but not been fulfilling. I am so happy to say I am now in a place that brings me joy, satisfaction and a real feeling of doing something of value. And I love it!


I am currently balancing my art therapy work between my private practice and working in a community based art studio. For the first time in my life I am truly loving my work! This moment - right here, right now - is exactly where I want to be. 


This is what I do, this is what I love.

Welcome to Aurora Art Therapy.

Need to work through something, but don't know where to start?

Art therapy is a great place to begin. And you don't have to be an artist, or even consider youself creative!


Using art in therapy is all about entering into a therapeutic space where art helps as the communicator. Talk therapy is not the main focus here. Rather we are able to explore a situation or issue though art and art making. Here is the opportunity to give yourself some space to work through an issue, or explore something further in a creative, safe and private setting.


It's often in these sessions where those "ah-ha" moments occur. When things fall into place and something that you may have been strugling with becomes clear.


If constant talk isn't necessarily your thing, art therapy may well be the answer. Doing something creative and reconnecting with the creative within, can be enlightening and allow time and space to heal and grow.

Love to Create, but never
seem to get the time?

"Art as Therapy" is about doing art and finding joy in the process. By doing something creative, and dedicating time to explore that without interruption can be a great escape from the everyday. A real life enhancer.


Sometimes, you just don't want to go into it. Just being quiet and doing art is all that you need or want. No questions. No pressure. Just having the chance to create is all the therapy
you need. 


I love it too. Sharing a space, doing something creative, reconnecting with the creative within. Giving yourself the chance to reflect and express yourelf. You don't have to be
a great artist to enjoy making art!

Art Therapy for Carers - A time for self care & reflection

As the care givers in our lives, we can neglect our own needs. Parents, siblings, children, friends, nurses, therapists
and other support workers of those in need, are often considered strong in times of adversity. People wonder at their seemingly super-human ability to cope under stressful situations.


And yet, ask anyone in this demanding role, how they are, and their response is more often than not that they are exhausted and they are just holding on.


We all need time to ourselves and a time to express, share and regenerate. Come and join one of our carer support groups. Where self care becomes the focus.


Please contact me for further details.

Aurora Art Therapy
create • heal • grow
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